Happy Valentines Day, everyone! Today, we’re talking about how to turn relationships into $340M AUM with Casey Baugh. Considering the special holiday, I decided to talk about relationships in an interview with Casey!
But these relationships are a bit different…
Casey Baugh
He is a professional investor for both himself and his private investment company, Sandlot. He’s deployed $500M of capital in the last couple of years. They invest in oil and gas, real estate, private equity, and more!
Bridger: “I’ve seen that you oversubscribe on all of your deals, that’s crazy! How to you gain that trust from investors so quickly?”
Casey: “So many investors come from the relationships we’ve created and cultivated in the past 20 years.” That says a lot about Casey’s character. Because of the way he treats people, he gets great karma. Like he said in my video, Casey also contributes his success to this…
“If you find great deals and tell the story properly, money will find its way to you.”
Raising Capital
Bridger: “People have been more careful with their capital recently due to all the current events. How do you approach raising capital in today’s economy versus 2 years ago?”
Casey: “There has been many terrible funds and a great loss of money due to overspeculation. We just try to keep it simple and conservative. We remember rule #1: Don’t lose money.” He goes on to say that most of his success happened from 2009 to 2012. This was possibly the worst time ever to knock doors, but he capitalized on what he had.
“When the market’s crazy and people are holding onto their money, you need to work harder and talk to more people; make even more connections.”
Sandlot succeeds because when the market is down, they’re still scrappy. They don’t lose focus or momentum. Casey also mentioned in the interview that they pride themselves on having great relationships with people. He says they have gotten into deals that they really shouldn’t have been a part of! But due to relationships, they make it happen.
Ladies and gentlemen, that is how Casey Baugh can turn relationships into $340M AUM.
Managing Risk
Bridger: “How do you approach risk with your investments?”
Casey: “If you deploy capital, you are risking capital. The key is to take the right type of risk: asymmetric risk. Find a deal that has the least amount of risk for the biggest return.” To clarify, asymmetric risk is low risk for the highest reward; it’s not high risk, high reward. There’s a time and place for every type of investment, but you need to know which deals you will do, and which deals you won’t do.
That’s all I’ll cover about the interview I had with Casey Baugh…but check out this video to see what else he had to say!
If he could go from knocking doors to running a fund, then so could you! Visit Fund Launch to learn more!
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DISCLAIMER: This content is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not to be taken as tax, financial, or legal advice. You should always consult a legal professional before taking action. Furthermore, this is not a recommendation to buy or sell any security. The content is solely just the opinion of the authors.